Долго думала с чего бы начать мой дневник. Я могу писать только, когда есть о чем и есть настроение. Только когда есть вдохновение... Но вот сегодня оно куда-то потерялось. А пустая страничка его возвращению мешает еще больше. Поэтому пусть первой заметкой будут слова песни
The Game.
Текст песни
You made of cold.
I made of burning stars.
It's just a game
Strange game of pain and scars
Don't trust my lips.
You'll never win this war.
You're my sweetest sin
So feel regrets no more!
I see your coming fall... this game has no end.
My promises are shades on wet sand.
Don't be so dogging shy to join my delight.
Stay just my only love... for tonight.
The dream comes true.
The dream has secret name.
You can't find trace.
I'll never be the same.
In all your thoughts
In every spark of light
You can feel my breath
My spirit's shining bright
I see your coming fall... this game has no end.
My promises are shades on wet sand.
Don't be so dogging shy to join my delight.
Stay just my only love... for tonight.
This temptation's everywhere.
I can feel it in the air.
Look I'm losing all my strengths and I don't care!
I see your coming fall... this game has no end.
My promises are shades on wet sand.
Don't be so dogging shy to join my delight.
Stay just my only love... for tonight.
DarkPrincess - The Game
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